Comedians today have been scrutinized and judged for every word uttered on stage. Because of this many have given up the craft and others have compromised their material and have made it more “PC” and less funny. This show is a place to sit down and talk with Comedians who have been very clever with material to continue making people laugh all while being unapologetic with their funny!
James Tomlin, better known by his stage name NOMALY (nom-uh-lee), is Founder and Owner of NOMTV and Efficient Distribution LLC production company and the creator of Unapologetically Funny. He is also an American R&B singer-songwriter, record producer, Actor, Comedian, Author and Fashion Designer who has proven to be a modern day renaissance man.
The Show

A place to sit down and talk with Actors and Comedians who have been very clever with material to continue making people laugh all while being unapologetic with their humor!” Our show has featured some of the biggest names in entertainment, including A-list actors and comedians. We are proud to have had them as our guests and look forward to welcoming more talented individuals to our show.